Kevin Watson

International Growth Advisor

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Successfully developing your Franchise business locally, regionally and nationally is a significant undertaking. Having a strong platform ensures that you can effectively manage your system whether it is on the other side of the City or across the Country. Strong systems, built on strong platforms ensure that consistency, the hallmark of any strong Franchise system is being achieved. It goes without saying that without consistency you don’t have a system.

So now what about the opportunities to expand outside of the Country. If you are like many established Franchise systems, you undoubtedly get unsolicited requests from International Markets. The question is – what do you do with those inquiries? Do you respond and say ‘not interested’ or do you consider how you would go about capitalizing on that interest?

Unsolicited interest is a good first indication that a local business person sees an alignment between your product or service and the market in which they reside. But logic suggests that expanding to only one Country, may not be the best use of resources. The question this should invite is, does my brand and our range of products have potential more broadly- that is in more Countries than simply the ones that are generating unsolicited requests. If your homework tells you that this is the case, the next key question is do you have the courage, commitment and capability to resource your business to take on the World?

We have successfully expanded through a tried and true Master Franchise model and have done so from Europe to South East Asia to Latin America. We were successful because;

  • We were committed to the process!
  • We believed in the potential!
  • We had a strong system that ensured consistent brand representation Globally!
  • We selected the best Franchise Partners in the market!
  • Our Franchise/Investment and Revenue model created a viable standalone International business!

If you would like to explore your International potential by ‘Partnering’ with a Team of experienced domestic and International Franchise business advisors, we’d love to take our road map and make it yours!